31 July, 2024
Perfect practice for shooters at Mossman Rifle Range
The Mossman District Rifle Club made good use of a perfect winter’s morning recently with 10 shooters making their way to the shooter’s mound.

Despite the day’s temperature rising creating a heavy mirage across the 700m shooting range, the members continued resolutely with the practice session in preparation for upcoming events.
Among the day’s shooting efforts, the following results were recorded.
The final tally:
Cameron Leyshon 122.10
John Brentson 122.5
Bill Kromwyk 120.6
Brad Cooper 116.2
Brendan Delaney 109.2 (round one only)
Mat 42.0
Peter 40.0
Fin 38.1
Sporter Hunter:
Tom Baetscher 105.10
The next event will be August 3.
Interested in trying your hand at competitive rifle shooting?
Contact the Mossman and District Rifle Range by phone on 0409 547 454 or email