General News
19 September, 2024
Daintree gateway proposal
THE first steps of a regional precinct plan in the Douglas shire that leads the way to construction, tourism, training and jobs are underway by Douglas Shire Council.

The council is applying for a federal government grant to create The Daintree/Wet Tropics Regional Precinct Plan. It will cover the Daintree ferry precinct area and the Mossman Botanic Garden precinct to create a gateway from Mossman through to the Daintree River.
Council community and economic development team leader Paula Clancy said, in a report, that developing a precinct plan had the potential to activate a world-class gateway for the estimated 400,000 visitors to the Daintree Region of the Wet Tropics World Heritage area each year, increasing visitation and transforming the way people move and experience the Daintree region.
“The funding proposal – The Daintree/Wet Tropics Regional Precinct Plan – will be linked across key themes: tourism/economic, environmental/sustainability, social, educational, and cultural benefits, underpinned by access and inclusion design principles,” she said.
“As well as regional benefits, more specifically, the proposal creates a significant opportunity for the Mossman community to create additional tourism offerings, through the planning (stage 1) of the Mossman Botanic Garden precinct.
“(It will) diversify and drive an increase in visitation, creating greater links to the Daintree rainforest and Wet Tropics experience, to become a significant part of the journey and a destination.
“The Regional Precinct Plan will consider access and inclusion to ensure access for all and in preparation for the 2032 Olympics.
“The funding opportunity supports Douglas Shire’s commitment to and a further demonstration as an ecotourism certified destination.”
The proposal outlines a range of environmental/sustainable initiatives including the reduction of land-based run-off by re-using wastewater from the Mossman wastewater treatment plant reducing discharge, improving water quality and reducing carbon emissions by using renewable energy sources and incorporating best practice energy efficient installations.
Councillors approved the plan and application at last month’s meeting.
Cr Michael Rees said the first step was “very important”. “It will be really exciting to see what comes out of it,” he said.
Mayor Lisa Scomazzon said it was “a great opportunity for the council to partner with companies and organisations”.
Read More: Port Douglas